Tenses PDF with Examples

Tense: The verb, that shows the time present past, or future is called tense. We try to learn How to learn Tense Easily?

All tense, structure with example

1. Present tense.

  1. Past tense.
  2. Future tense.

Present tense: The verb which denotes the current time of an action is called present tense.


  • I read English
  • We live in Bangladesh.

Past tense:  The verb which denotes the past time of an action is called past tense.


  • Kamal ate rice.
  • I went to school.

Future tense: The verb which denotes the future time of an action is called future tense.


  • We shall go to the mosque.
  • You will go to India.

12 tense structure:

Every three kinds of tense are four kinds (3*4=12) please see the below table for more clarity.

Present TensePast TenseFuture Tense
Present IndefinitePast IndefiniteFuture  Indefinite
Present ContinuousPast ContinuousFuture Continuous
Present PerfectPast  PerfectFuture Perfect
Present perfect continuousPast  perfect continuousFuture  perfect continuous

Present Indefinite tense: Present indefinite tense denotes an action in the present time or habitual truth or Natural truth.

Structure: Subject+Verb+Object.


  • I eat rice.
  • He writes a letter.
  • My mother reads the Quran in the morning.

Present Simple tense:

Affirmative: Subject+Verb( If the subject 3rd a person singular number then with verb add extra s/es)+Object
  • I do the work.
  • We do the work.
  • He does the work.
  • Karim does the work.
  • They do the work.
  • Rahim and Karim do the work.
Negative: Subject+do not/does not + verb+ others if any.
  • I do not do the work.
  • We do not do the work.
  • You do not do the work.
  • He does not do the work.
  • Karim does not do the work.
  • They do not do the work.
  • Rahim and Karim do not do the work.
Interrogative: Do/Does+Subject+Verb(base form)+—-+?
  • Do I do the work?
  • Do We do the work?
  • Does he do the work?
  • Does Karim do the work?
  • Do they do the work?
  • Do Rahim and Karim do the work?
Negative-Interrogative: Do/Does+Subject+not+Verb(base form)+—-+?
  • Do I not do the work?
  • Do We not do the work?
  • Does he not do the work?
  • Doesn’t Karim do the work?
  • Do they not do the work?
  • Don’t Rahim and Karim do the work?

Some important Notes for Present Simple tense:

1.If am/is/are used as a main verb then structure: Subject(NP)+am/is/are +complement(Noun/adjective)

2. If have verb is used as a main verb then structure: Subject+ have/ has +object(noun)

3. Sometimes we can use a modal auxiliary verb like May/can as a simple tense.

  1. Universal truth and habitual are always present in simple tense.


Present Continuous: Present Continuous is used when an action is going on in near future.

Structure: Subject+ as per person and Number Use Verb am, is are+ Main verb with adding +object


How to make the Present Continuous or Progressive tense see the below table :

Affirmative: Subject +as per subject use am, is are + ing add with main verb+———-
  • We are doing the work.
  • You are doing the work.
  • He is doing the work.
  • Karim is doing the work.
  • They are doing the work.
  • Rahim and Karim are doing the work.
Negative: Subject +as per subject use am, is are not + ing add with main verb+———-
  • We are doing the work.
  • You are doing the work.
  • He is doing the work.
  • I am not doing the work.
  • You are not doing the work.
  • We are not doing the work.
  • Karim is not doing the work.
  • They are not doing the work.
Interrogative: as per subject use am, is are + Subject + ing add with main verb+ ———-+?
  • Are we doing the work?
  • Are you doing the work?
  • Is he doing the work?
  • I am not doing the work.
  • You are not doing the work.
  • We are not doing the work.
  • Karim is not doing the work.
  • They are not doing the work.

Related Article:

  1. Easy way to learn English Sentences.


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