Performance Appraisal

Sample of Performance Appraisal


1) The start of the process 

Performance Appraisal Clarity about what am I meant to be doing in my job

Partnering for Performance in FY21 … to keep Our Promise 2030

Every World Vision employee should have clarity about what they are meant to be doing; certainty about how well they are doing; and confidence to develop and use their potential in their future with World Vision.

Clarity, certainty, and confidence should be achieved through regular, informal conversations. Having this simple, short record helps to ensure that things are not forgotten. Clarify goals at the start of the year and review regularly throughout the year. Discuss development, learning, and support plans that support these goals.

Name: Performance Appraisal of Syeful Islam
Job Role: Field Assistant
What are you going to do this year?

Record 3 to 5 goals. Include one for people management if you are a manager.

Why does your organization need this done? How does it support your unit goals and Our Promise 2030?What will a successful outcome look like?  Include what it will look like and how this will be achieved (behaviors)*Check

are all of these:


·   Meaningful

·   Aspirational

·   Progress-based


To you and the organization?


Both now and as the year progresses?


Keep these up to date and change if necessary (keep a record in the next section)

1.    Warehouse and Inventory Control Management



·   Make sure the correct goods receiving, storage, dispatch, and proper structural maintenance of warehouse(s) to keep all stocks in good condition as per standard warehouse practices a record-keeping to full audit standard.

·   Receive store’s requisition forms and prepare the goods for issuance & update the stock record cards regularly;

·   Make sure goods, and equipment are received/dispatched sign all documents

·   Ensure safety security procedures in the warehouse

Assist the monthly stock-taking committee with monthly stocktaking and report as per the standard system.

·   100% of goods receive (Food and non-food) as per purchase order & Callan and documents update & maintain appropriate stacking and storage goods on the stack in a countable manner.

·   Receive IR/E-mail for goods dispatch through waybills in the right place & the right time.

·   Update stack card, warehouse ledger (Soft & hard copy) for complete status get the organization for donor & other agency report and benefit will be an organization

·   Follow up security guard duty roster, safety equipment installs, emergency mobile number, and orient fire extinguisher operation and warehouse will be kept safe.

.Organization gets complete and appropriate status from the monthly physical count.

2.   Logistics support for receiving & dispatch materials.



·   Prioritize dispatch needs in conjunction with program, field sites & follow-up delivery materials of suppliers as per documents.

Sign for receipt of goods (goods received note) or reject as appropriate in conjunction with the Procurement Officer;

·   Develop capacity for staff and facilitators, as a result, they can manage the warehouse duly

Develop tools for shortly identifying and following up, so I can perfectly follow up within a short time & other time engage in reporting, updating documents & warehouse management

3.    Ensure safeguarding of commodities and materials through proper management of warehouse functions



·   Regular cleaning of goods stacks, open space, and warehouse premises.

·   Make sure warehouse safety and security.

·   Make warehouse goods accounting properly in stack card, ledger, and hard copy for all items.

·   Daily monitoring warehouse aeration regular basis for the good condition to keep the goods.

Conduct Past control vendors for storage goods fumigation as per need.

·   Storage materials and other assets well maintain, minimize loss, safe organization properties through regular cleaning goods stacks, open space and warehouse premises,

·   Ensure security guard duties, check duty roster, and vehicle registration. Orient about safety security to them removes their lacking’s and better service

·   Maintain 100% goods accounting properly (stack card, ledger) for future audit face.

·   Regular aeration warehouse for protracting from insects and damaged goods

Plan for quarterly/need-based past control warehouse materials/goods to protect from insects.

4.    My regular/day-to-day job”



·   Ensure warehouse security daily follow up and physically visit weekly five (except holidays) days Foliapara warehouse & check security guard roster, daily attendance register, vehicle in-out register.

·   Upload regular the required documents, and data in the Provision System.

·   Goods receive and dispatch as per requester need.

·   Update stack card, and ledger, and prepare GRN on Provision.

Report prepared (weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and Yearly) and as per supervisor required.

·   Ensuring warehouse security through security guards’ daily work as per their roster and up-dated their attended register for organization assets protection and minimizing the risks.

·   Organization materials stock status report generate through Provision and XL and shortly deliver a report to management and donor

·   I have to follow up with suppliers for materials delivery time and date for goods receiving information collection regular basis.

Ensure 100% warehouse-related all kinds of reports are sent to the line manager.

5.    Emergency fire outbreak response Role/Duties


·         Ensure all logistics supplies.

·         Fleet management.

·         Entry all materials in the ledger.

·Food packet lunch to different camps as per WFP direction.

·     Due to sending Dinner to different camps as per WFP direction.

· Day-to-day report submit to supervisor.



·         We can overcome Fire outbreak response by supplying the necessary materials.

·         For the updated ledger we can understand for the next day how much materials we will need.

·         All times vehicle was present for carrying food and people.

·         Rohingya peoples was getting lunch timely.

·          Rohingya people were getting Dinner timely.

·         All report was updated.




* Clarify and agree: What will be most important in terms of HOW you achieve these goals?


2) Ongoing through the year Certainty about how well I am doing

Job Holder Comments (include date) What has been accomplished / progress made / what could be changed or improved?


How has this been done? e.g. give specific examples of Mindsets and Behaviours (Unity and Trust; Wise Stewardship; Looking Outward; Timely Truth Telling with Love)Manager Comments (include date)Progress


Yellow or Red)*


1.    Warehouse & Inventor Control Management (Food & Non-food)

  • Make sure the correct goods are received, stored, dispatched (food & non-food), and proper structural maintenance of warehouse(s) to keep all stocks in good condition as per standard warehouse practices a record-keeping to full audit standard.

Receive store’s requisition forms and prepare the goods for issuance & update the stock record cards regularly;

  • Make sure goods, equipment receive/dispatched & sign all documents
  • Make sure safety security procedures are implemented at the warehouse
  • Assist the monthly stock-taking committee with monthly stocktaking and report as per the standard system.


·   I have physically presented at the warehouse when goods receiving, storage, dispatched, and assist facilitators in proper storage & stacking keeping all stocks in good condition as per standard warehouse practices a record-keeping

·   Received approved store requisition from requester & prepared waybills and dispatched goods as per required date & time to the distribution point and updated stack card, ledger, etc.

·   I have cross-checked waybills, stack cards & physical balance and ensured signed all documents.

·   Physically visited and check the security guard register, and emergency phone number, check the fire extinguisher, and oriented the guard on how to operate the fire extinguisher properly.

Physically presents and assisted to Physical counting team for monthly stock counting.

He has maintained standards and full-fill the requirement of goods receive storage, dispatch & report as well as warehouse safety security, transport vendor follow-up, and relations with program colleagues. I agreed with his statement.


2. Managing warehouse logistics support to receive, and dispatch materials.

  • Prioritize dispatch needs in conjunction with program, field sites & follow-up delivery materials of suppliers as per documents.
  • Sign for receipt of goods (goods received note) or reject as appropriate in conjunction with the Procurement

Capacity building orientation on the job to warehouse facilitators on goods, receive, dispatch & packaging

  • I have dispatched materials as per priority to distribution date & time, follow up with suppliers before receiving day communicate with them & ensured 100% of suppliers’ documents were preserved accordingly.
  • I have received goods as per PO & challan then prepared GRN 100% for goods receipt

I have given orientation on goods received dispatch, packaging and documentation preparation, and follow-up to facilitators on the job.

He has strictly maintained warehouse documents updated, reporting and receiving/delivering goods to the warehouse & distribution center in due time.
3. Ensure safeguarding of commodities and materials through proper management of warehouse functions

  • Regular cleaning of goods stacks, open space, and warehouse premises.
  • Make sure warehouse safety and security.
  • Make warehouse goods accounting properly in stack cards, ledgers, and hard copies for all items.
  • Daily monitoring warehouse aeration regular basis for good condition keeps the goods.
  • Conduct Past control vendors for storage goods fumigation as per need.


  • Every received & dispatched cleaned goods stacks & open space through daily labor, facilitators.
  • Ensured security guard duties, check duty roster, and vehicle registration. Orient about safety security to them removes their lacking’s and better service
  • I have cross-checked and reconciled with physical balance in stack & stack card, ledger then prepared the final entry in ledger & report
  • Daily warehouse aeration by facilitator opens the. door, window, and ensured by mobile communication over office time.

I have conducted through supervisor to past control vendor for warehouse spearing (past control) to protect the insect from goods.

He has ensured the safeguarding of commodities, and warehouses as well as proper documentation. I agreed with his statement
4. Provide quality service to beneficiaries and assist project staff through field visits, sensitization, mobilization, and reporting “My regular/day-to-day job”.

  •  6 CCLCs visit regularly and monitor CCLCs’ activities.
  • Shared findings and recommendations daily with a supervisor.
  • Daily report submitted by E-mail or Skype and updates/monthly/periodical reports within the timeframe.
  • Ensured daily training/sessions conducted with members.
  • Kept collaboration with the CCLCs facilitators
  • Consulted with 37 participants on their complaints and feedback.
  • Shared COVID’19 awareness messages to the participants during field/program visits and any distribution.

Increased virtual communication (email, skype) with the operation team and share the report on need bases (Daily, Weekly & Monthly)


Using the human resources and implementing a good plan and direction of the supervisor acted with qualification and competency.


Being the human resource of organizations, performed with my knowledge and skill.


Supporting creating a healthy learning environment and being more responsible and accountable to one another.




Syeful Islam has performed well in his day-to-day job. He ensured CCLCs activities and coordinated with the operations team during any distribution.


Throughout FY-2021, he has also shown professional relationships with his peers to accomplish his duties.


He bears good morale and has shown himself competent for the position. Blessings to him.


Additional Achievements:

  • Assisted in emergency fire response at camp and host through food distribution, NFI distribution, and burn assessment.
  • Assisted In emergency relief distributed among heavy rain, landslide, and flood-affected people.
  • Assisted In Lesson Learn Workshop with staff and Community Facilitator.
  • Assisted In warehouse physical counting.
  • Assisted in camp on hot meal quality monitoring
  • WV code of conduct training.
  • World Vision DE@I: first concept.
  • FY 21 Integrity hero training.
  • WV Integrity hero (episode 1,2, last).
  • Information security and data protection awareness.
  • Responsible for data management in emergencies
  • Accountability -Community Feedback and Response system.
  • WV Child and adult safeguarding.
  • Child protection and advocacy project model orientation
  • Assessment of Bangladesh Digital Act 2018 Impact on World Vision Bangladesh Operation
  • Training on ‘Being Accountable to People’
  • WV” S Dignity and Respect at Work Training


I strongly agreed with Syeful Islam’s additional support that he has given to the organization, especially during fire response, flood response, etc.


Add more rows as needed during the year

*Green = The outcome is on target / achieved (overall delivery along with required behavior)

*Yellow = There is a risk of not meeting the outcome / not fully achieved (overall delivery and/or behavior)

*Red = Urgent attention is needed as there is a high risk of not meeting the outcome/outcome missed (overall delivery and/or behavior)

3) Personal Development Confidence to develop and use my potential in the future at World Vision

At the start of the year, plan: What do I personally need to help me do my job well?
Review: Was it available and was this achieved?
Personal Learning and Development
  • Practicing operates GRN prepared on Provision software through the help of colleges.
  • Studying relevant documents online basis, reports on leadership positions were carried out.
  • Studying different organizations’ published reports, online reports,s, and newspapers read and sharing the subject matter with colleagues continuously
  • Study regular different documents and practice with colleagues.
  • Increase knowledge and skill in Provision Software.
  • Increase knowledge of management and leadership for preparing for next-level leadership positions carried out in this organization.
  • Learn fluently spoken English
  • Attend training on UN emergency preparedness.


Manager Support (what help, resources, guidance, and assistance does your manager need to make available to facilitate your working well this year)
  • Yes, my manager supports me by giving me timely feedback.
  • Yes, my supervisor disseminates messages timely & promptly
  • My supervisor pays regular follow-ups on assigned tasks.
  • The supervisor along with his team supported me in the needs of the Program.
  • supervisor provides me with future directives timely.
  • Timely Feedback
  • Regular follow up
  • Timely message dissemination
  • Technical support of the program in need.
  • Future directives


Life Balance (what approach will you take this year to ensure work-life balance and how will you know you achieved that?)
  • There is no pending for deliverable.
  • Followed and ensured office time strictly.
  • I have spent a good time with my family on leave vacation.
  • I have got a good opportunity to attend my prayer services on Friday.
  • Demonstrate as humanitarian worker servant leadership where my family, Children, staff & their family enjoy a friendly environment keeping an effective relationship with each other.
  • Maintain positive relationships with relatives, neighbors & communities.
What career next step do I aspire to:


What can I do to achieve this and who else needs to be involved:
  • Continuing effective teamwork
  •       ,,             my sincerity, hard work, honesty my role
  •     ,,              making plans in advance with the team.
  •      ,,          to lead the team with love and care appropriately to achieve the project goal.
  • Keep continuing to prioritize the MVC for child wellbeing.
  •     ,, respond, and perform all assigned tasks timely.
 Improved leadership for achieving a next-level position in the future of my organization.


  • Endorse my sincerity, hard work, and positiveness; study various technical Papers, notes, books & reports.
  •  Lead team to achieve project goal as per deadline)
  • Effectively work with the team.
  • Increased my knowledge of logistics & warehouse management which helped me to take the next level of responsibility.


4) End-of-year summary

Job Holder’s overall comments for Performance AppraisalManager’s overall commentsFunctional/Matrix Manager’s comments (if applicable)2nd level Manager’s comments
I am happy to work with World Vision Bangladesh and thank World Vision Bangladesh management for higher me to serve Bangladesh Refugee Crisis Response Program.  I will do better in the FY-21 by using this existing experience. It is a great opportunity for me to work for World Vision Bangladesh. We are cooperating with each other. All team members think we are a part of the family. Our supervisor is my mentor. He always helps me when I have a problem at work.  If the organization supports me in the next step, then I will be preparing myself as the best performer.Mr. Syeful Islam is proactive, committed, sincere, and a hard worker. He has been well organized and achieved the target objective and his job responsibilities according to the set plan.



Name: Syeful Islam





Career Potential Rating for Performance Appraisal




Please Tick

Too new to rate for Performance AppraisalLess than 6 months in post
Develop at current level / horizontal career moveDemonstrates depth and capabilities that reflect his/her expertise. May coach those less experienced and less knowledgeable. May have the potential to be moved to other positions, for example, a different role or a different team, but any moves in the next 3 years are likely to be at the same level of overall responsibility/grade.
PromotablePerformance Appraisal Demonstrates the potential capability for promotion to a role with greater scope, challenge, and responsibility within three years.
High potential for Performance AppraisalDemonstrates the potential capability, ambition, mobility, and willingness to progress 2 job grades in 1-3 years.
Performance Rating for Performance Appraisal
Please Tick
Too new to rate for Performance AppraisalLess than 3 months in post
Performance Appraisal Improvement needed Overall achievement did not meet the full expectations of the role this year. Performance may be improving but has not yet met full performance expectations (in terms of “what/outcomes” and/or “how/behavior”). This performance level may be the result of a new or inexperienced employee still getting up to speed with the requirements of the job (typically in their first 6-12 months), or because performance in some or all aspects of the role needs improvement.
Performance Appraisal Valued achievementGood, successful, effective performance as normally expected for this role/grade – fulfilled all position requirements/objectives and sometimes generated results above those expected of the position (in terms of “what/outcomes” and “how/behavior”).  Attitude and behaviors reflected an interest in improving and attaining a higher level of outcomes for self and organization.
Exceptional for Performance Appraisal achievementAchieved extraordinary outcomes that had a significant, positive impact on the team or organization that far exceeded what is typical for this role/level. Was an advocate for and a role model in the use of the new mindsets and behaviors to guide decisions. Others were positively influenced by the professional and personal outcomes achieved.

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  5. Case Study.

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