Rice is a more important crop in Bangladesh. All over the country grow it. It is our main crop. In our country,
people grow rice mainly in two sessions but other sessions have some it grew but this number is so little. Our
main session are IRI and Boro musum. Before our farmer was liable to rain for growing it but now maximum
farmers use shallow machines for irrigation. Farmers are introducing modern technology. Before they use plows
but now they use a tractor nowadays farmers use rice harvesters. Day by day adding new technology with the
agriculture government also tries to improve our agriculture sector and they give a substitute for farmer
Why do we need to know about Rice?
Our main food is rice and fish. Every year we import rice from so many countries. But if we take the Initiative to
grow more rice then we can able to fulfill our country’s rice demand. Bangladesh Government takes some kind of
action for more rice production. Like seeds distribution. Fartilizare distribution. It harvester distribution. etc. If we
don’t know about rice then our next generation doesn’t know about it. For this reason, we need to know about
How to grow rice step-by-step?
Our country mainly depended on agriculture. Our maximum Foreign remittance come from our agriculture
sector. Another issue our country’s population rate is high. Our country’s food deposits are less than the demand.
Every year we import rice from the outer country. For this reason we expenditure som many money on this
purpose. If we grow more it we don’t import and we can able to save money. For this so many reasons, we need
to grow more rice in our country.
Introduction of Rice Easy:
Rice is the principal food of the people of Bangladesh. It is our lifeblood. The people of Bangladesh can’t live
without it. It is the seed of a common plant called paddy. It is the most important crop in our country. We boil
rice to get bhat, it is our main food.
The Rice plant looks like long grass with stems and stalks. The ripe paddy looks like gold. Paddy plants are about
3 to 5 feet high. It grows in deep water.
Where grows/where found:
Rice grows in hot countries. It grows well in moist climates. Grows well in Bangladesh. It is also growing in India,
Pakistan, China, Burma, Japan, Thailand Philippines, Indonesia, and in some parts of the U. S. A.
There are three kinds of paddy. They are Aus, Aman, and Boro.IRRI is also grown in Bangladesh. The other it is
Paijam, Balam, BRRI, Kataribhog, Zhingasal. Nazirsal etc.
At first, the farmers plow the land well. They make the soils loose and soft. Then sow the seeds. The seeds come
out in a few days. They look like green grass. Little plants grow up day by day and the land is covered with green
plants. Paddy rips in three to four months. Then it becomes golden color, then farmer cut it and carry at home in
a bundle and separate them from the straw
Time of sowing:
Aus is sown in early summer. Aman is in winter and Boro is in spring and IRRI is grown all year round.
How paddy is got:
Firstly we need the to paddy be separated from the straw. Before the final stage, its color is green. After the
greening period, we harvest from the field and kipping by various pots like dry, vacuum bag, etc. use. nand we
cut it. Then it is dried in the sun, When the paddy is dried in the sun and husked for paddy, it is called Atap
paddy. And the paddy which is boiled and husked for it is called Siddha. The task of husking is done either by
dhaki or by machine
Paddy is the main crop of Bangladesh, We eat rice, chira, Khai, muri, cake, etc. Many kinds of cakes are made from
it. The hay of paddy is used as fodder for the cattle. It is also used as fuel.
We cannot do without rice. It is our important crop, and every day in Bangladesh should take part in the “Grow
more food campaign.”
Please visit our youtube channel for updated information
End Words:
I am sure you already know about Rice. We use it for so many purposes. We use it daily for rice, muri for chira,
Polow, Khai, etc. It’s a very necessary crop in our country. If we don’t grow it poverty will show very soon. I ensure
to all farmers please grow rice and gain financial freedom. We don’t want to import it from another country. If
you think this article is helpful for you please write to me. And another thing if you feel you need another topic
article please write to me in commence box I will give you answer and feedback also.
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